Say NO to boring salads. Try this Summer Salad, ready in 10 mins.
Cooking Method(s) Used | Hand tossed |
Cuisine | Greek |
No of Serves | 3-4 |
Proficiency Level | 10 |
Preparation time | 10 minites |
Cooking Time | 5 minutes |
Total Time Required for Recipe | 15 minutes |
Ingredients for Salad
Broccoli 1 pc
Avocado 1pc
Cucumber 2 pc
Chickpeas 100 gm
Farm fresh Lettuce 30gm
Farm fresh Arugula 10gm
Cottage cheese/ Silken Tofu 100gm
Ingredients for dressing
Chilli vinegar 4 tsp
Sesame seeds 1tsp
Pine nuts 2tsp
Garlic 5-6 pods
Salt 1 tsp
Pepper 1 tsp
Extra virgin Olive oil 2 tsp
How to make salad
Add some Broccoli 🥦, Avocado 🥑, Cucumber 🥒, chickpeas, cottage cheese/silken tofu and a handful of farm fresh Lettuce🥬 and Arugula/rocket leaves in a bowl.
For seasoning: Add chilli vinegar, pepper, some pine nuts , garlic🧄, sesame seeds and a spoon of extra virgin olive oil in mixer until smooth then add the dressing to your bowl and enjoy your Summer Salad 🥗.